“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him”

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him”

Psalm 37 v 5

Many years ago there was a preacher of God's word in Brandenburg, Germany called Paul Gerhart. He faithfully from the heart preached the truth revealed by God in His word. However, the "Great Elector" of Brandenburg did not like his preaching saying,

"If you cannot preach differently from that, you must leave the country." Paul could only preach what he found in God's word, so he had to leave with his wife and two little children.

At the end of travelling on the first day, the children were crying and his wife began to weep. He walked into the wood to pray and was comforted by the above verse which came into his mind. He didn't know where to go with his family the next day but did know he needed to trust in God, He would provide and bring it to pass. When he went back he told his wife about the verse and she stopped crying and was full of trust and hope like her husband.

They received a message the next day from the Duke of Merseburg saying they could come to his country where they would have a house and liberty to preach faithfully the word of God. Paul wrote a hymn as a result of this experience:

"Commit thy way, O weeper,
The cares that fret thy soul,
To thine Almighty keeper,
Who makes the world to roll.

Unto the Lord who guideth,
The wind, cloud and sea,
Oh doubt not, that He provideth
A pathway to for thee."