What is really important

What is really important

It is amazing the different things believers in Christ can have hang ups about.

  • It can be the way you think believers should dress for public worship. There is however no dress code given in the bible to be observed by believers at public worship. It simply must be decent and what the individual would wear for something important.
  • Some might think believers shouldn't eat meat or other things. God tells us through the apostle Paul that "There is nothing unclean of itself."
  • It can be believers should or shouldn't listen to certain kinds of music. However, provided there are no lyrics that would be unacceptable to God, you can listen to classical, country, pop, jazz and so on.
  • Some think believers must have a certain view on the doctrine of the last things. It is true you would want to have a correct biblical belief. God makes clear the important thing is to live in the light of and be prepared for Christ's coming again.

Sir Walter Raleigh is a character from history who lived a quite varied and colourful life. He was beheaded in the Old Palace Yard at the Palace of Westminster on the 29th. October 1618. On the scaffold he did say something important that reminds us what is really important which will stop us wrongly being dismissive of other believers. He said to the executioner,

"Friend, it matters little how a man's head lies,
If his heart be right in the sight of God."